Operations Management Perspectives in the Air Transport Management
Source: By:Gulsah Hancerliogullari Koksalmis
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jbar.v2i1.288
Abstract:The area of operations management has had a substantial effect on the today’s air transportation management. Having moved with huge demand from management to obtain a competitive advantage in the market, the airlines are utilizing advanced optimization techniques to develop decision support systems for operations management and control. In order to provide a service with high quality and low cost, airlines spend a tremendous amount of resources and effort to generate profitable and cost-effective fare classes, flight schedules, fleet plans, aircraft routes, crew scheduling, gate assignment, etc. In this paper, the techniques and operations management applications that are used in the air transportation industry are reviewed including demand forecasting, fleet assignment, aircraft routing, crew scheduling, runway scheduling problem and gate assignment.
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