Organizational Justice and Gender Equity: The Contingent Effect of Islamic Work Ethics
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Abstract:Organizations are facing challenges to cope with gender equity in the presence of a diverse workforce. The present study investigates the moderating impact of Islamic work ethics on the organizational justicegender equity relationship. Self-administered questionnaires were sent to employees working in a large private university in a State of Qatar. This study collected data from 250 employees with 66.12% response rate. The present study employed structural equation modelling to analyse data in SmartPLS 3.0 and SPSS version 24. Empirical findings revealed the significant relationship of distributive justice and interactional justice with gender equity. Procedural justice did not relate to gender equity. Furthermore, Islamic work ethics also moderated the relationship of interactional justice with gender equity. Limitations and implications have been added at the end of paper. This study is first in its nature revealing the conditional factor of Islamic work ethics on the organizational justicegender equity relationship.
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