Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Glued Bamboo: A Review
Source: By:Guosong Yang, Chunle Ye, Honghong Ye
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jaeser.v2i4.1780
Abstract:The use of glued bamboo (GB) in structural engineering is growing interest in the construction industry, as it is a kind of natural material with strong regenerative ability. In addition, the utilizing of GB can reduce the demand for concrete, a possible way to decrease the destruction to natural environment and the consumption of fossil energy. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis on the properties of GB based on the experimental data available in the published researches. Some important physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of GB are discussed. It can be concluded that, at present, more emphasis has been given to study the mechanical property and gluing performance of GB. By analyzing existing research results, this paper provides some recommendations for future research.
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