Enhancing Concrete Properties Using Silica Fume: Optimized Mix Design
Source: By:Ammar Ali, Ibtisam Kamal, Alireza Mojtahed
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jsbct.v5i1.5678
Abstract:In the current work, concrete mixes containing (7.0-33.11) weight % silica fume as a partial replacement of cement with a water /cement ratio (0.42-0.48) were prepared according to an adopted two factorial central composite design. The samples were tested, optimized, and modeled for compressive strength and density. The estimated results confirmed that compressive strength and density increase with increasing silica fume content up to 11.9 wt.%. Response surface analysis results confirmed that silica fume concrete with developed compressive strength (53.42 MPa) could be prepared by incorporation of 11.9 wt. % silica fume as partial replacement of cement using 0.42 water/cement ratio. An increase in compressive strength and density (up to 39.3% and 2.6% ) respectively was recorded for silica fume concrete mixes compared to Portland cement concrete. Overall, the research findings revealed that silica fume concretes prepared with appropriate silica fume content and water/cement ratio exhibited superior strength and density characteristics candidate them to be used effectively in civil engineering applications.
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