Climate Change Impacts on Water Resource and Air Pollution in Kabul Sub-basins, Afghanistan
Source: By:Hafizullah Rasouli
Abstract:This Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources and Air Pollution,research is carried out to analysis Hydro-meteorological and groundwater data in Kabul Sub-basins, Afghanistan. The main objective of this research is to find out natural causes of climate change effects on surface and to,groundwater resources and air pollutions, these data are collected from diferent Hydrometeoroiogical stations and observations in Kabul Subbasins for different years (1957 to 2017). For completion this research they used two categories of data analysis; one is hydro meteorological analysis,and the other is groundwater level analysis. In hydro meteorological analysis air temperature, rainfall and discharge have been recovered by this research in Kabul Sub-basins, a number of air temperature, rainfall,discharge of surface water and groundwater are changes due to climate changes from 1957 to 2017. For climate changes effects this article used air pollution data of national, international development bank of Asia,WHO standards and parameters; PM2.5, PM10, TSP, NO2, SO2, O3, CO and Pb. From comparing PM10 are very higher in the air of Afghanistan. The discharge of Panjsher river due to glacier melting and climate changes increasing. The challenges during this research are lack of equipment.
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