Sustainable Water Resource Management: Multistakeholder Engagement Approach: A narrative Review
Source: By:Wycliffe Tumwesigye, Majaliwa Mwanjalolo Jackson-Gilbert
Abstract:Fresh water resources and limited across the globe. They are threatened by agriculture, economic development and climate change. Measure to sustainably manage water resources are not well documented. This review aimed at analyzing publications from 2000-2019 regarding stakeholders’ involvement as a key for sustainable water resource management. Literature search was conducted using key words: integrated water resource management; transboundary water resource management; collaborative water resource management; Multistakeholder water resource management; challenges and opportunities of water resource management; domestic water saving; sustainable water resource management from Science Direct database, ResearchGate professional network and Google School Search engine. 280 publications were retrieved from which 150 were found relevant, were read and used during the publication of this paper. It was found that climate change, population explosion, economic development all threaten water resources management and involvement of all stakeholders, transboundary agreements, collaboration with international water agencies and financial investment were recommended for sustainable water resource management.
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