Perceiving the Trend of Terrestrial Climate Change during the Past 40 year (1978-2018)
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Abstract:In past few decades, climate has manifested numerous shifts in its trend. Various natural and anthropogenic factors have influenced the dynamics and the trends of climate change at longer time scale. To understand the long term climate fluctuations, we have analyzed forty years (1978 - 2018) data of ten climatic parameters that are responsible to influence the climate dynamics. The parameters involved in the present study are total solar irradiance (TSI), ultra violet (UV) index, cloud cover, carbon dioxide (CO2) abundances, multivariate (ENSO) index, volcanic explosivity index (VEI), global surface temperature (GST) anomaly, global sea ice extent, global mean sea level and global precipitation anomaly. Using the above mentioned climate entities; we have constructed a proxy index to study the quantitative measure of the climate change. In this process these indicators were aggregated to a single proxy index as global climate index (GCI) that has measured the strength of present climate change in semblance with the past natural variability. To construct GCI, the principal component analysis (PCA) has been used on yearly based data for the period 1978 - 2018. Actually PCA is a statistical tool with which we can reduce the dimensionality of the data and it retains most of the variation in the new data set. Further, we have confined our study to natural climate drivers and anthropogenic climate drivers. Our result has indicated that the strongest climate change has been occurred globally by the end of the year 2018 in comparison to late 1970’s natural variability.
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