Ethnobotanical Study and Vulnerability of Uvariodendron molundense (Annonaceae) in Gbado-Lite City (Ubangi Eco-region), Democratic Republic of the Congo
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Abstract:Democratic Republic of the Congo is a real reservoir of medicinal plants. These plants play a major role in the treatment of certain common pathologies in tropical regions. The aim of this study was to list the ethnomedical uses of Uvariodendron molundense, a medicinal and aromatic plant from the Ubangi ecoregion. The ethnobotanical survey was carried out in Gbado-Lite with 200 people using stratified probability sampling. The respondents were interviewed individually on the basis of free consent. The study revealed that the majority of respondents were men (72%) and had a secondary education (37%), followed respectively by illiterates (34%) and those with a primary education (28%), and finally, university graduates represented only 1% of the respondents. 83% of the respondents were farmers, while 79% of the respondents were married. The leaf is the most used organ (81%) followed by stem and root bark. U. molundense is used both as food and medicine. The plant treats eight diseases (pain, malaria, cold, hypertension, gastritis, infection, headache and rheumatism). The calculated value of the informant consensus factor is 0.96 and indicates that there is a high degree of consensus among informants regarding the use of U. molundense against these diseases in Gbado-Lite. Decoction is the most commonly used method of preparation (89%) and 50% of the respondents stated that the species is currently not very abundant, while 31% of the respondents felt that the plant was rare. The calculated value of the vulnerability index shows that U. molundense is very vulnerable in its natural environment (Iv ˃ 2.5).
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