Investigation Responses of the Diagrid Structural System of High-rise Buildings Equipped with Tuned Mass Damper Using New Dynamic Method
Source: By:Arash Karimipour, Mansour Ghalehnovi, Mahmoud Edalati, Mehdi Barani
Abstract:Due to the shortage of land in cities and population growth, the significance of high rise buildings has risen. Controlling lateral displacement of structures under different loading such as an earthquake is an important issue for designers. One of the best systems is the diagrid method which is built with diagonal elements with no columns for manufacturing tall buildings. In this study, the effect of the distribution of the tuned mass damper (TMD) on the structural responses of diagrid tall buildings was investigated using a new dynamic method. So, a diagrid structural systems with variable height with TMDs was solved as an example of structure. The reason for the selection of the diagrid system was the formation of a stiffness matrix for the diagonal and angular elements. Therefore, the effect of TMDs distribution on the story drift, base shear and structural behaviour were studied. The obtained outcomes showed that the TMDs distribution does not significantly affect on improving the behaviour of the diagrid structural system during an earthquake. Furthermore, the new dynamic scheme represented in this study has good performance for analyzing different systems.
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