Modeling and Simulation of Wood and Fly Ash Behaviour as Partial Replacement for Cement on Flexural Strength of Self Compacting Concrete
Source: By:Eluozo S.N., Dimkpa K
Abstract:Flexural strength was monitor and predicted on the application improving concrete strength with wood and fly as partial replacement for cement. The study observed the pressure from the constituent of these locally sourced material that has been observed from the study to influence the flexural strength through the effect from this locally sourced addictives, the study monitors concrete porosity on heterogeneity as it reflect on the flexural strength of self compacting concrete, other condition considered was the compaction and placement of concrete, these effects were monitored at constant water cement ratio from design mix, the behaviour from this effects on the concrete observed the rate of flexural growth under the influences of these stated conditions, the simulation expressed the reactions of these effects through these parameters monitored to influence the system, numerical simulations were also applied to the optimum curing age of twenty eight days, while analytical simulation was also applied, this concept are the conventional seven days interval that concrete curing were observed, these are improvement done on the study carried out by SachinPrabhu et al 2018, these locally sourced material were experimentally applied, the simulation predictive values is at the interval of seven days of curing, which was also simulated. the predictive values were compared with the experimental values of SachinPrabhu et al 2018, and both values developed best fits correlations, the study is imperative because the system considered the parameters used on experimental and observed other influential variables that were not examined, these were not observed in the experimental procedure, experts in concrete engineering will definitely find these concept a better option in monitoring flexural strength of self compacting concrete in general.
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