Life Stage, Gender and Movement of Blue Crabs (Callinectis sapidus) in Lake Mattamuskeet and Connecting Canals
Source: By:Julia Chen Rinaldi, James Hench, M. Zachary Darnell, Matthew Kukurugya, Daniel Rittschof
Abstract:In their ranges on east and south coasts of the Americas as well as their established invasions in the Adriatic and Baltic, blue crabs, Callinectis sapidus, inhabit estuaries, sounds and coastal oceans and are commercially and ecologically important. How crabs move in response to physical variables is important to management. We monitored life stages at canal control structures, assessed gender ratios with recreational crabbing, learned from crabbers, and studied movements of tagged crabs in a canal connecting Lake Mattamuskeet to the Pamlico sound. Juveniles enter the lake through two of 4 canals connecting to the sounds. Females migrate out through one canal. The lake standing population is about 70% male. Movements of 240 crabs in August 2012 and 102 crabs in October 2014 were quantified using RFID tags with co-located meteorological and oceanographic devices. Non-spawning females and males are nomadic. Crabs released in the canal move in response to changes in water depth and go with the flow, toward the Pamlico Sound (summer 76% and fall 78%). What crabbers describe as a fall migration appears to be concentration of crabs in warmer deeper canals and then southern movement with flow generated by strong north winds. To be effective, management strategies like migratory corridors require understanding of crab movements.
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