Mitochondrial Haplotypes suggest Genetic Component for Habitat Preference in Blue Crabs
Source: By:Daniel Rittschof
Abstract:Atlantic blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) are ecologically and commercially fundamental. Life stages are punctuated with migration. Adults and juveniles live in estuaries and sounds. Larval stages develop in the coastal ocean. Juvenile and adult crabs occupy habitats from high salinities to fresh water. We determined whether maturing juvenile and adult blue crab habitat use is reflected in mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase 1 haplotypes. High salinity crabs had lower haplotype diversity (0.7260 ± .03900) compared to spawning crabs (0.9841 ± .00021) and low salinity crabs (0.94154 ± .00118). Significant pairwise differences in haplotypes were found between high salinity and spawning crabs (Nm = 0.26018, p < 0.001), and between high salinity and low salinity crabs (Nm = 0.19482, p < 0.001) indicating a lack of gene flow. Crabs from high salinity had highly significant genetic differentiation compared to spawning crabs (Fst = 0.11830, p < 0.001) and low salinity crabs (Fst = 0.09689, p < 0.001). Results support the hypothesis that genetics influence habitat selection. Crab larvae mix in the coastal ocean but occupy specific habitats upon return to sounds and estuaries. These findings have implications for the management of fisheries.
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