A Review of Landsat TM/ETM based Vegetation Indices as Applied to Wetland Ecosystems
Source: By:Jose Navarro Pedreño, Gema Marco Dos Santos, Ignacio Meléndez-Pastor, Ignacio Gómez Lucas
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jgr.v2i1.499
Abstract:A review of vegetation indices as applied to Landsat-TM and ETM+ multispectral data is presented. The review focuses on indices that have been developed to produce biophysical information about vegetation biomass/greenness, moisture and pigments.In addition, a set of biomass/greenness and moisture content indices are tested in a Mediterranean semiarid wetland environment to determine their appropriateness and potential for carrying redundant information.The results indicate that most vegetation indices used for biomass/greenness mapping produce similar information and are statistically well correlated.
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