Petrographic Characteristics and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks in the Kyaukmyet Prospect, Monywa District, Central Myanmar
Source: By:Toe Naing Oo, Agung Agung, Lucas Donny Setijadji
Abstract:The Kyaukmyet prospect lies approximately 5 km ENE of the highsulfidation Kyisintaung copper-gold deposit, Monywa district, central Myanmar. Geologically, the research area is remarked by magmatic extrusion that occurred during the Late Oligocene to Middle Miocene of Magyigon Formation which led to the outcrops of volcanic rocks. Study detailed on petrographical and geochemical of the Kyaukmyet volcanic rocks has not been performed before the present work. The principal aim of this paper is to document the petrographical and geochemical characteristics of volcanic suite rocks exposed in the Kyaukmyet prospect. The results of this data have provided insight into the origin of the rocks and petrogenetic processes during evolution. Petrographically, all the studied volcanic rocks in the research area show that trachytic and porphyritic textures with phenocrysts of quartz, plagioclase, and K-feldspar which are embedded in a fine to medium grained groundmass. The accessory minerals of this rock consist of biotite, chlorite and opaque mineral.Geochemically, these volcanic rocks having calc-alkaline nature and classified as volcanic field (rhyolite) as well as volcanic arc setting. Based on the chondrite normalized spider diagram, LREE has enriched to HREE in this area which indicated negative Eu anomaly and subduction tectonic setting.
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