Influence of Environmental Variables on the Natural Regeneration of a Forest under Restoration after Bauxite Mining and in a Reference Ecosystem in Southeastern Brazil
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Abstract:The shrub-tree floristic composition of the natural regeneration stratum of a bauxite mine in the process of restoration and in a reference ecosystem (remnant of a preserved secondary Seasonal Semi-Deciduous Forest) were analysed to evaluate forest restoration conditions after five years of planting. The influence of canopy openness, accumulated leaf litter and soil attributes in the regeneration stratum were also investigated in both the forests. The floristic composition of the regeneration stratum in the forest under restoration (16 species and 5,083 individuals ha-1) and in the reference ecosystem (58 species and 26,250 individuals ha-1) are distinct due to the difference in the environmental variables. Results showed that the reference ecosystem favours the presence of species that tolerate environments with greater shading and higher aluminium and organic matter content in the soil like Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq., while the forest under restoration favours the presence of species adapted to fertile soils and those that tolerate greater luminosity like Vernonanthura phosphorica (Vell.) H.Rob.
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