Determination of the Administration Routes, Doses and Appropriate Age to Vaccinate With Ornitin Triple Vaccine For Cross-breed Colored Broilers in Vietnam
Source: By:Nguyen Manh Ho, Bui Ngoc Xuan Ha, Le Thi Kim Tuyen, Le Thi Anh Thu, Le Thanh Hien, Quach Tuyet Anh
Abstract:The study was to determine the appropriate dose and administration route of Ornitin Triple vaccine in cross-breed coloured broilers in Vietnam by evaluating the antibody titer against Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) and local reactions at injection sites on chickens after vaccination. The study was divided into 2 trials. Both trials were designed with 3 vaccine dose groups: 0.0ml (control group), 0.25ml and 0.5ml and 2 different administration routes: subcutaneous at neck (SC) and intramuscular at breast (IM) injection. The result showed that, no statistically significant difference was found between antibody titer of two administration routes as well as 2 vaccine doses until 13-week-old. Local reactions at the injection sites of IM route was less severe than SC at neck and in higher dose would produce a more severe swelling reaction. Daily weight gain was found to have a slight decrease in the vaccinated groups within 2 weeks after vaccination, however, no statistically significant difference was found in later stage (P > 0.05). In conclusion, Ornitin Triple can be used to vaccinate by IM with the dose of 0.25ml for coloured broilers at early age (3-week-old), or 0.5ml for older birds and should be careful for some reactions at the injection sites.
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