Alterations in Quality Parameters of Mastitic Milk
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Abstract:Quality milk production in modern dairy systems is facing many challenges. Salient in them is mastitis which is responsible for decline in milk production, altered milk composition and compromised udder health. The malaise consists of multiple bacterial etiologies which can be broadly classified into contagious pathogens and environmental pathogens S. aureus is being isolated invariably in all epidemiological studies, followed by E. coli. Pathogenic virulence in mastitis is often accounted due to microbial ability of producing wide array of virulence factors that enhances pathogenicity and sustainment potential in the epithelial linings of udder. Mastitis affects quality parameters of milk i.e. constitutional as well as mineral profile due to local damage and inflammatory mediators. It decreases the lactose secretion because of oxidative stress generated due to the formation of free radicals in the milk. In mastitic milk, IgG2 becomes the predominant antibody which is thought to be the main opsonin supporting neutrophil phagocytosis in the bovine mammary gland. Therefore, it plays a significant role in the battle against mastitis pathogens. Mastitis infected cow shows a notable elevated level of the sodium and chloride and demoted level of calcium, potassium and inorganic phosphorus. In micro minerals, mastitis effects are pretty much same as in most macro minerals i.e. lower down their concentration in milk secretion. Consistent preventive strategy alongside strict surveillance and biosecurity is recommended for combating this challenge.
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