Hot Cracking Susceptibility of 800H and 825 Nickel-Base Superalloys during Welding via Spot Varestraint Test
Source: By:Chih-Chun Hsieh
Abstract:Hot cracking susceptibility of fillers 52 and 82 in 800H and 825 nickel-base superalloys was discussed using the Spot Varestraint test. The fillers of 52 and 82 were added into nickel-base superalloys via a gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW).Experimental results showed that the hot cracking sensitivity of the nickel-base superalloys with filler at high temperature was lower than that without filler. The hot cracking sensitivity had a slight effect when the filler 82 was added. The total length of crack was increased, the liquid-solid (L-S) two-phase range is higher so that the hot cracking susceptibility will be raised. The morphologies of cracks included the intergranular crack in the molten pool, molten pool of solidification cracking, heat-affected zone of intergranular cracks, and transgranular crack in the heat-affected zone.
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