Effect of Ferroelectric Nanopowder on Electrical and Acoustical Properties of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal
Source: By:Santosh Mani, Madhavi Pradhan, Archana Sharma, Jyoti Amare, Pradip Sarawade
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/omms.v2i1.1821
Abstract:Ferroelectric nano-materials are very sensitive to several external stimuli and have attracted great deal of attention due to their property of improving various properties such as photoluminescence, higher polarization, fast response time, low operating voltage and improved conductivity. For enhancing the physical properties, a proper selection of nano-materials for liquid crystals depends upon various factors such as size, shape, preparation methods, surfactant concentration and amount of doping materials. In the present study an attempt is made to study electrical and acoustical properties of cholesteric liquid crystal after dispersing ferroelectric nano-powder of Barium Titanate (BaTiO3). In addition with this particle size and surface area of pure and nono-particle dispersed liquid crystal were also measured. Our investigation shows increase in Rao’s constant or molar sound velocity, which indicates increase in molecular density indicating a close packing of the material. The measurement of dielectric relaxation at different frequencies gives information about the dynamics of polar groups and molecular motion.
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