Chemical Mesoscopics Notions in the Explanation of Polymeric Materials Modification Mechanism with Participation of Metal Carbon Mesocomposites
Source: By:V. I. Kodolov, V. V. Kodolova-Chukhontseva, I. N. Shabanova, N. S. Terebova, Yu. V. Pershin, R. V. Mustakimov
Abstract:The paper is dedicated to the consideration of the chemical mesoscopics notions application for the explanation of polymeric materials modification mechanism by the metal carbon mesoscopic composites. The main peculiarities of these nanosized particles are following: a) the presence of unpaired electrons on the carbon cover; b) the structure of carbon cover consists from poly acetylene and carbine fragments; c) the atomic magnetic moment of inner metal is equaled to more than 1,3 μB. The metal carbon mesocomposites activity depends on the medium and conditions influence because of the possible changes of the phase coherency and quantization of negative charges.
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