Subjective Well-Being among Empty-Nest Elderly and Its Related Factors:Taking Guangdong Province as an Example
Source: By:Yongmei HOU, Zixu GUO, Que ZHENG
Abstract:Objective: To explore the the status of happiness and social support of empty nesters in Guangdong Province and analyze the relationship between the above two variables.
Method: Totally 1148 empty nesters (776 males, 734 females) from 5 cities in Guangdong province are selected by stratified random sampling and conducted with Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (MUNSH), Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and a self-edited questionnaire on the general information.
Results: The total score of MUNSH is (10.20±6.37). The total score and the scores of the 3 dimensions of objective support, subject support, the use of support in SSRS are (30.79±5.51), (9.24±2.37), (19.38±4.95) and (9.22±2.15) respectively. Multiple variable linear regression show that are positively associated with the total scores of MUNSH (B= .227, .115, .098, .158, .082, respectively, P< .05). was negatively associated with total score of MUNSH (B=-.097, P< .05).
Conclusion: It suggests that the sort of leisure, gender, progress rank, family characteristics, such as family economic condition and father’s career may be related factors of undergraduates life satisfaction.
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