Factors Affecting Compliance towards Radiation Protection Equipment among Radiographers: A Cross Sectional Study
Source: By:Ismanto S., Hafizah Che Hassan, Regidor III Dioso
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jhp.v1i2.1505
Abstract:Background: Radiographers were at risk of x-ray radiation. Ministry of Heath of Indonesia made a regulation act no. 33 year 2007 to secure radiographers on ionizing radiations by using radiation protection equipment (RPE). Objective: This study identified the factors affecting compliance towards RPE among radiographers and determined the correlation between influencing factors and compliance towards RPEs. Methods: The study conducted a quantitative descriptive-correlational design in a cross sectional approach. A total of 103 radiographers answered the online self administered questionnaires from 9 government hospitals at Jakarta, Indonesia. Results: It was identified that personal factors were the knowledge and motivations while the availability of RPEs and standard operating procedures were environmental factors. The knowledge (p=0.001, r=0.321) and motivations (p=0.018, r=0.232), and availability of RPE (p=0.138, r=0.146) and standard operating procedures (p=0.023, r=0.224) were factors affecting a compliance to RPEs. It was however determined that gender (p=0.251, r=0.113), and place of work (p=0.479, r=0.070) were not correlated to both personal and environmental factors. On the contrary, age (p=0.031, r=0.212), highest educational attainment (p=0.039, r=0.203), years of experience (p=0.001, r=0.336), and training (p=0.001, r=0.341) influenced both personal and environmental factors affecting compliance of radiographers towards RPEs. Findings: It was found that Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (p=0.271), Persahabatan (p=0.133), Fatmawati (p=0.357), Otak Nasional (p=0.238), Pasar Rebo (p=0.356), Tarakan (0.255), and Koja (p=0.199) hospitals were not probable to comply towards RPEs. Only Infeksi Sulianti Suroso (p=0.21), and Budhi Asih (p=0.0002) hospitals were most probable to comply towards RPEs.
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