Identification of Medical and Industrial Used Radioisotopes in Mining Sites of Nasarawa, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
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Abstract:This research intends to unveil the presence of radioisotopes in the soil of some mining sites in Nasarawa of Nasarawa state using thermos-scientific interceptor (IdentiFINDER). The work aimed at detecting the presence, types and trust level of radioisotopes. The result showed that, 103Pd and 125I were found in 57% of the total points and the percentage abundance of the detector reached 50-65% indicating that, those radioisotopes are likely found in the area, 109Cd was found in 15% of the total areas. The percentage abundance of the detector for 109Cd shows 50% indicating that, those radioisotopes are likely to be found in the area, 241Am was found in 7% of the total areas. The percentage abundance of the detector for 241Am shows 81% indicating that, those radioisotopes are likely found in the area, 235U was found in 7% of the total points. The percentage abundance of the detector for 235U reaches 57% indicating that, those radioisotopes are likely found in the area, 75Se was found in 7% of the total points. The percentage abundance of the detector for 75Se was in abundance up to 57% indicating that, those radioisotopes are likely gotten in the area and 57Co was gotten in 7% of the total areas. The percentage abundance of the detector for 57Co was 54% indicating that, those radioisotopes are likely to be gotten in the area. Based on this high percentage abundance of the detector for these radioisotopes, they can be harnessed and applied appropriately in medicine and industry.
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