Research on Temperature Field of the Support Structure for the Independent LNG Tank
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Abstract:The independent LNG (Liquified Nature Gas) containment is widely used for small or medium-sized LNG carrier and ship using LNG as fuels. The common tank pattern includes single-spherical-cylindrical tank and double-spherical-cylindrical tank, which is the key to design the hull structure and its support. The support is designed to connect the hull structure and LNG tank. Its main functions are heat transferring and force loading. This paper focus on the temperature field distribution of hull and its support structure. The thermal boundary conditions are simulated according to the heat transfer action, such as thermal convection, heat conduction and thermal radiation. The method on how to carry out thermal analysis is presented for an independent LNG containment. The case study is carried out with two typical independent LNG tanks. One is a tank with double spherical cylindrical in the LNG carrier, and the other is a tank with single spherical cylindrical on the deck of the ship using LNG as fuels. The result shows the method presented in this paper is a good reference for the structural design with independent LNG containment.
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