Study of Condition Indices in Goby, Parachaeturichthys Ocellatus (Day, 1873) from the Creeks of Mumbai
Source: By:Bindu Panicker
Abstract:Condition indices study like RNA content, DNA content, RNA: DNA, RNA: protein, RNA: lipid was carried out in goby, Parachaeturichthys ocellatus from the creeks of Mumbai to assess its nutritional status in different months. The study was carried out from June 2010 to September 2011.The range of RNA content in male was 72-185.6 µg/100 mg while in female was 82-145.46 µg/100 mg. RNA content was high during spawning months. The DNA content showed slight variations with range of 22.56- 39.31 µg/100 mg in males and 25.20-32.52 µg/100 mg in females. The range of ratio of RNA: DNA in males was 2.08-5.13 with an average of 3.74 while in female was 2.92-5.07 with an average of 3.99. The ratio above 2 indicates good condition. The RNA: protein showed an average of 0.0015 in males and 0.0017 in females while the average of RNA: lipid was 0.0176 in males and 0.0127 in females. RNA: protein and RNA: lipid showed the lowest values in post reproductive stages while it increased with the onset of reproductive cycles. The condition indices study showed that P. ocellatus was in good condition throughout the year and the creeks of Mumbai were suitable habitat for feeding and reproduction.
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