Assessment of Ichthyofaunal Diversity in Sasihithlu Estuary of Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka, India
Source: By:Abhishek Bharadwaj R, Devi Prasad A.G
Abstract:The ichthyofaunal diversity is an excellent bio indicator of the status and health of aquatic ecosystems. The present study elucidates the ichthyofaunal diversity of Sasihithlu estuary in the west coast of Karnataka, India. The study was conducted from January 2019 to January 2020. Field explorations in estuary were undertaken on a monthly basis. A detailed analysis of piscine diversity revealed a total of 63 species of fresh water, estuary and marine fish belonging to 13 orders and 37 families. Perciformes was found to be a predominant order with 20 families and 31 species. Of the recorded species, one is Vulnerable and two are Near Threatened species. The greater diversity of fish was recorded during monsoon and the lesser diversity was recorded during winter.
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