Length-weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Sarotherodon Melanotheron (Perciformes: cichlidae) from Forcados River Estuary, Niger Delta, Nigeria
Source: By:Efe Ogidiaka, John Atadiose, Betty O. Bekederemo
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jfsr.v4i1.4255
Abstract:Length-weight relationship (LWR), condition factor (k) of the black chin tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron (Rüppel, 1852) from Forcados River estuary Nigeria was investigated. The fish were collected monthly from fishermen for a period of 24 months (between April 2012 and March 2014). 699 specimens of the fish species were collected. The Length-weight relationship (LWR) of the fish was evaluated using the equation: W = a Lb while the condition factor of the fish was determined using the equation; K = 100W Lb . The standard length of sampled S. melanotheron ranged from 4.15 to 18.92 cm, total length 6.01 and 22.5 cm while the weight ranged from 7.85 - 286.71 g. The b value 2.1299 was less than 3 indicating that the growth pattern of the fish was allometric. The correlation co-efficient (r) value for S. melanotheron was 0.7528. The condition factor for the combined sexes fluctuated monthly. The length-weight relationships and condition factor of S. melanotheron in Forcados river estuary indicated that the fish were above average condition.
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