Microbiological and Proximate Evaluation of Tagelus adansonii, Bosc, 1801 (Mollusca: Bivalvia, Solecurtidae) in Mangrove Swamps of Iko Estuary, Southeast, Nigeria
Source: By:Imefon Udo, Dora Udoh, Otobong Isang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jfsr.v4i1.4277
Abstract:Tagelus adansonii has served as man’s food around the world from time immemorial. However, the aquatic ecosystem in which they live is constantly polluted. Microbial and proximate compositions and energy value of T. adansonii were evaluated as indices for food safety and biomarker of pollution. Standard microbiological techniques and standard methods of AOAC were employed. Results showed that Bacillus substilis, Micrococcus species, Proteus species, Klebsiella species, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholerea, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Enterobacter sp, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, and Chromatium species were the probable bacteria while Rhizopus stolonifer, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium species. Candida tropicalis, Fusarium species and Aspergillus flavus were the probable fungi isolated from the sample. Total Heterotrophic Bacterial Count (THBC), TVC, TCC, TSC and TFC in fresh sample were 2.01±0.14×105 , 2.77±0.27×10, 2.79±0.81×10, 6.08±0.21×102 , and 2.08±0.21×104 cfu g–1 respectively and concentrated mostly in the gut. The mean crude protein, moisture, carbohydrate, ash, lipid and crude fibre contents of the soft tissues were 60.92±2.38, 40.75±1.85, 26.58±2.91, 5.99±0.43, 5.56±0.51 and 4.13±0.10% respectively, while the energy or caloric value was 397.65±11.97. Proper monitoring and surveillance should be adopted by Government to check pollution of the aquatic environments and proper processing should be adopted before consumption for good public health.
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