Development and Evaluation of IPM Modules for the Management of Guava Fruit Fly
By:Mahesh Math, Kotikal YK, Venkateshalu .
Abstract:Field studies were carried out during kharif 2016 and summer 2017 at Udyanagiri, UHS, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India to evaluate IPM modules against fruit fly in an already established guava orchard of variety Sardar (L-49). Among four modules, the mean fruit damage was significantly the lowest in M3 (0.68%) followed by M2 (1.19%) and M1 (2.21%) and were on par with each other during kharif 2016. During summer 2017, M3 recorded significantly lowest damage (0.59%) followed by M2 (0.92%) and M1 (2.41%) but were on with each other. The highest per cent protection was afforded by M3 (95.76 and 96.76, respectively) during 2016 and 2017. The average fruit yield over the years of experimentation revealed significantly the highest fruit yield (8.13 t/ha) from M3 followed by M2 (7.32 t/ha) and M1 (5.31 t/ha). Among the four modules, highest B:C was from M3 (7.65) followed by M2 (6.67) and M1 (4.91).
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