Morphometric Characteristics and Reproductive Performance of Pasundan Cattle in the North Prianganese and Southern South Coast Region
Source: By:Mas Yedi Sumaryadi, Euis Nia Setiawati, Agus Triyanto, Vony Armelia
Abstract:This study aims to determine the morphometric characteristics and reproductive performance of Pasundan cows which are extensively reared on smallholder farms in the coastal areas of the south (Garut, Cianjur, and Sukabumi) and North Priangan (Bogor, Purwakarta, and Sumedang). This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Production characterization was carried out using a simple method, namely by measuring the body surface including shoulder height, chest circumference,body length, and bodyweight of Pasundan attle. Meanwhile, the reproductive characteristics discuss puberty, service per conception (S / C),conception rate (CR), calving rate,postpartum estrus, postpartum mating,days open (DO), calving interval (CI), calving birth weight, calving rate,and calves weight growth. Data were collected by survey, and the location was determined by purposive sampling in the area of the seed source with the largest population and the random sampling of livestock was determined purposively as many as 30 Pasundan cows from each region.Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the morphometric characteristics of Pasundan cattle included mean shoulder height of 123.0 0 ± 3.06a cm VS 121.34 ± 2.82a in males and 110.34 ± 2.78 vs 108.00 ± 2.14a in females. Body length 115.74 ± 3.30 cm VS 115.34 ± 2.97acm in males and 112.67 ± 2.97cm VS 109.67 ± 1.82 cm in females. Chest circumference 145.67 ± 2.97cm VS 142.67 ± 2.67cm bulls and 136.00 ± 2.95cm VS 131.00 ± 2.92cm in females, Bodyweight 268.0 ± 17.00 kg VS 246.00 ± 7.00a for males and 215.0 ± 15.00 kg VS 194.00 ± 54.00kg in females. As for reproductive characteristics,it shows puberty of 20-24 months.,S/ C 1.4 - 1.6, Conception rate 65-70%, calving rate 62.5-65%, Postpartum Estrus 50-60 days, postpartum mating 72-104 days, day -open 94-126 days and a calving interval of 12-14 months. Calves' birth weight was 18.0 - 18.5 kg and daily body weight gain ranged from 0.48 to 0.50 kg. It was concluded that the morphometric characteristics and reproductive performance of Pasundan cattle in the Pesisir Selatan area were better than North Priangan.
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