Cytogenotoxic Effect of Pesticides Induces Variability in Micronucleus and Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Abnormalities in Channa punctatus in vivo
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Abstract:Our aim was to study the genotoxic, cytotoxic and clastogenic effect of locally used various groups of agro-pesticides in the protection of crops using fresh water fish Channa punctatus as test model to estimate water pollution by micronucleus (MN) assay in vivo. Three different concentrations (MC, MC/2&MC/5) of eight pesticides (Dimethoate, Dichlorovos, chlorpyriphos and Malathion, Methyl parathion, Fenvalerate, Cypermethrin and Carbaryl) at different time periods (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 days) were treated. Peripheral blood samples smears of fish were collected and stained with Giemsa, micronuclei and nucleo-cytoplasmic abnormalities were analyzed under Germany made Leitz microscope. Qualitative analysis shows the rate of concentration, period, nature and mode of action of different agro-pesticides induces varieties of micronuclei and nucleo-cytoplasmic abnormalities even in the same species of fish Channa punctatus in the context of same/different pesticides in different species.
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