Effect of Fermented Shrimp Waste Level in Feed on Biological Value on Native Chicken
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jzr.v3i4.4083
Abstract:The purpose of the study was to determine the effect and obtain the level of use of fermented shrimp waste in the feed that produces the best biological value in native chickens. The study used 125 one-day-old chickens (DOC) placed in 25 cages randomly, containing five chickens reared for eight weeks. The study used experimental methods, and the experimental design used was a completely randomized design with five types of treatment, namely, feed without the use of fermented shrimp waste (R0), feed containing 5% fermented shrimp waste (R1), feed containing 10% fermented shrimp waste (R2), feed containing 15% fermented shrimp waste (R3), and feed containing 20% fermented shrimp waste (R4), each treatment was repeated five times. The observed variables were absorbed nitrogen, nitrogen stored in the body, and biological value. Data were analysed using ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Distance Test. The results showed that the use of fermented shrimp waste at a level of 20% in feed resulted in the best biological value in native chickens.
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