Analysis of renewable energy research hotspots and trends based on bibliometric and patent survey
Source: Bilingual Publishing By: Daisy Updata: 09-07-2021
Renewable energy is a relatively new type of energy and can be used with a wide range of technologies. It is used increasingly worldwide attention due to the low pollution and low environmental impact . For example, Susana Garrido Azevedo et al believes that the number of publications related to renewable energy has increased rapidly in recent years . Proskuryakova and Ermolenko used Foresight methodology to study Russia's energy structure and explained through Russia's energy strategy to 2030 that develop renewable energy sector and realize rapid transformation of energy structure are important . On the other hands, the development of renewable energy technology has reduced the power generation cost of solar, wind, and other renewable energy, thereby increasing the competitiveness of renewable energy generation . Perea-Moreno et al. believes that by 2050, the use of wind and solar energy will need to increase. And Graus’s research shows that people are becoming more interested in biomass energy, reflecting its growing importance . Many countries and regions have recognized the necessity and importance of developing clean and renewable energy due to the global energy transition and climate change . Perea-Moreno et al. concluded that the role of renewable energy in mitigating climate change has affected the world, especially industrialized countries . Yang et al. believe that energy security is one of the key parameters to ensure the stable development of countries and regions . By the middle of this century, renewable energy will account for 77% of the global energy supply (compared with 13% in 2008), according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report . In addition, in 2014, Xi Jinping, the chairman of China, responded positively to the concerted global action on emission reduction since the establishment of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The chairman put forward the concept of an energy revolution, which represents a significant turning point in China's energy development, and proposed the goal of 15% renewable energy by 2020. Therefore, both China and the world have recognized the importance of developing renewable energy and have put forward relevant policies and development goals. In addition, as part of the primary energy issues in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the United Nations and energy exchange platforms, such as the South-South Cooperation, have also promoted the development of renewable energy . Research on the development and utilization of renewable energy is of great practical significance.
This study is an analysis of the renewable energy literature and authorized patents before 2018 to obtain an understanding of current research and development trends in this field and to provide references for the effective utilization of renewable energy.